Jason Robert Moultrie

December 7, 1978 - August 12, 2021

Jason Robert Moultrie Obituary.png

Jason Robert Moultrie, born December 7, 1978, in San Francisco, passed away at the age of age 42 on Thursday morning August 12, 2021, in Aurora Colorado surrounded by those who loved him.

Those that had the pleasure and honor of having Jason as a family member or friend, knew he had one of the biggest hearts around. He always pushed others to be the best they can be. When he found those who were broken or wounded it helped them heal from within with love and compassion.

He had a perfect gift of humor and laughter that you could hear for days as well as feel deep within your heart. Even now, his laugh echoes through everyone’s memories making them smile.

His hobbies were more like passions. An absolute love for music would keep him playing for hours on end. Then there were his mouth-watering meals, that left you wanting more or feeling overstuffed.

He is survived by many of those who will always love him dearly, Patricia Lynn Moultrie (wife), Benjamin and Mary Moultrie (his parents), Pax Moultrie (sister) and Shane her husband, Elizabeth Felix (sister), Vincent Passarelli (nephew), Lexia Allen (niece). Michael and Mary Krajcirik (in-laws), Hugh (uncle) and his wife Kate and their children Mike, Ethan and Isaac, Ray Clark (uncle) and Corina, Anna Luciano (aunt) and her children Jonah and Ethan, Megan Clark Johnson (cousin) and her husband Nate. Thomas and Marcia Clark and Ed Krajcirik (grandparents).

Private family services are being held. To celebrate Jason’s life, please feel free to put on your favorite song and dance as you make a gourmet meal in his memory. Due to the unexpected passing of Jason, the family is humbly asking for financial assistance in lieu of flowers, or a donation in his name to a charity of your choice.


Mary P. Tyler


Linda A. (MacLeod) Muir