Sarah Beth Hall

Sarah Beth Hall, a native of Port Arthur, Texas, passed away on March 5th at her home in Fort Collins, Colorado. A graduate of Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Sarah also completed master’s degrees in wildlife biology and computer science at Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, Texas. During her thirty-year career with the U.S. Forest Service in Fort Collins she was an ardent champion of preserving the natural environment to protect biodiversity. Working with colleagues, one of her most recent projects was preparation of a proposal for the Biden administration to prohibit the Trump era practice of logging old growth forests. Sarah was passionate about her work, and she was always eager to share details of her current assignments. In her spare time, Sarah was an avid birdwatcher, amateur astronomer, and grew a garden to nurture butterflies in her back yard. She loved nature, the forests, and her two dogs, Ori and Daisy. Sarah was a lifelong learner, always curious and interested in many things, including new genres of music, ancient civilizations, and global science fiction.

Sarah is survived by her sisters Susan Hall of Newark, Delaware, and Sandra Hall (wife Jean Tutolo) of Denver. There will be a memorial service, with details to be announced later. The family requests that donations in remembrance of Sarah be made to The Nature Conservancy or the National Audubon Society.

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The Nature Conservancy


Andres Gonzales


Alana Simone Thomas-Burns