Marc Anthony Padilla

September 15, 1962 ~ November 18, 2022

Marc Padilla was a lover of life…of people. His Legacy teaches us the value of life enriched with friendship, laughter, love, compassion for others, will-power, strength, courage, gratitude, and family. His contagious sense of humor brought joy to so many people-even his beautiful smile, which he shared with everyone, could change someone’s day for the better. He encouraged, motivated, up-lifted, and truly wanted those around him to believe in themselves. You can be sure he believed in YOU. 

A survivor. A fighter. A man with more inner strength than anyone you will ever know. A man whose heart was so big and full of love for others that he grew seven more hearts to contain the love he had for each of his five daughters, his grandson, and his granddaughter. 

Marc had a unique and genuine passion for people. He always asked how you were doing and if you were okay. He listened with care and concern and really took it to heart what people had to say about what they were feeling and going through. He always offered encouragement. He never met a stranger or a person he would not call a friend. If you needed a place to stay, you were welcome in his home. He opened his heart to anyone who would receive him. Whatever he could do to help, he wanted to be there for you.

Marc was always on the go. He did not have time to sit still…there was so much to do, see, be, and experience. Life was out there and that is where he wanted to be- finding joy in meeting people, having new experiences, making memories, laughing, dancing and singing. Some of his greatest joys were in his home on Plymouth Street in Littleton with his children, grandchildren, family, friends, neighbors---anyone who wanted to be there---cooking, playing music, telling stories, laughing, enjoying the goodness of life, life that he created and wanted to share with everyone. 

His legacy also lives in the homes that he made beautiful for the last 45 years in the Denver metro area as well as California, Utah, Arizona, Chicago, and Las Vegas. Of all his many talents and attributes, Marc was more than amazing at custom building and home remodel. He could do anything and do it to perfection. He loved a challenge. He loved making his customers happy and would ALWAYS go above and beyond to make sure he achieved a result beyond their grandest expectation. 

Coaching football was part of Marc’s purpose, especially in being able to coach his grandson, whom he loved like his own son, all the way to high school. The lives he touched, touched him back and brought him great JOY and a great sense of accomplishment. He was so proud of each young man he was able to coach/mentor. He loved them all. He considered them blessings as he was so thankful for the opportunity to share not only in the love/experiences of the sport, but also in the experiences/lessons that molded them all into young men. He cared just as much about who they were off the field as he cared about who they were on the field. 

Marc’s greatest Legacy is his family. His family was his sole reason for living, his treasures. His love for his family and his loyalty to them formed his identity in this world. His five daughters and grandchildren are a beautiful reflection of who he was, and is, in their lives. He emphasized and demanded family time and togetherness and was noted and quite famous for his Wednesday Family Night get-togethers—which you never missed. If you had ever been to Marc’s home, you will never forget his HALL OF FAME picture wall or his museum of photos of his treasured family that covered almost all his wall space. He loved being a “girl dad” more than anything and he loved being a grandpa just the same. He did “dad dates”, school dances, never missed a field day or a dance recital. He was the biggest cheerleader at basketball, volleyball, soccer games---he supported everything any of them ever wanted to do or be. He taught humbleness, gratitude, compassion, and to never give-up. He instilled work ethic--- no matter how awful or hard you might have thought your life was, he would tell you, “JUST GET UP AND GO TO WORK” … and core-values like courage, faith, positive attitude, perseverance, integrity, and love. He made it important to live life in your own personal way and to be your most authentic self, no matter what. 

Marc lived in the present moment and had relentless faith in a beautiful tomorrow. His faith in God was even stronger. It was the fuel that charged his daily life and the core foundation for the dedication he had to pray for everyone he knew and loved. He created a legacy of unwavering and uncompromising faith that showed the power of God working in his life. It showed that his faith had VICTORY in his life. By example, the torch he carried remained strongly ablaze teaching those watching to reach higher, stand stronger, and to never give up or quit. He received all seven of his catholic sacraments, giving him the roots to foster all he carried in his heart. He lived his life to the fullest, and he lived it his way. His mark on the world can never be erased. He added value to so many lives and unknowingly left imprints that will be passed on through generations to come. 

We love you Marc Padilla…dad, grandfather, friend, brother, son, uncle, coach…an inspiration to all.

Please join us in celebrating Marc’s beautiful life and legacy.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022
10:30 AM
Saint Francis Cabrini
6673 W Chatfield Avenue
Littleton, CO 80128

Friday, December 16th, 2022
Willow Ridge Manor
4903 Willow Springs Road
Morrison, CO 80465
Please RSVP to Shellie Padilla at: 720-425-8332

Marc requested a joyful union of family and friends to honor who he was to you. 

Please come prepared for the legacy and history of Marc Anthony Padilla to be revealed and told through the lips of everyone his life touched. 

Please come prepared to share your favorite memories and stories of the man who greatly impacted us all with his love.

Please come prepared to share in his music, and dance to the memories…the joy…the whole life. 




Marc’s Playlist

Marc’s Playlist


Rebecca (Becky) Sassman


David Emery Hughes