Cremation, Death, & Grief Resources in Denver
Poem: When Great Trees Fall
When great trees fall, rocks on distant hills shudder, lions hunker down in tall grasses, and even elephant slumber after safety.
What to do when someone dies in Colorado
When someone passes away, either expectedly or unexpectedly, it can be hard to know what to do from moment to moment. Where do you start? Who do you call? We’ve put together a helpful checklist to to help provide guidance. Specifics will vary by circumstance and even by county, but start here and you may not feel as overwhelmed.
End-of-Life Doulas Explained
In recent decades, birth doulas have played a significant role in empowering people and restoring choice around birthing options and support. Now, end-of-life doulas, sometimes called death doulas, are doing the same for families when it comes to death.
Grief Quotes
Curated quotes about all stages of grief. Your grief is unique and should be witnessed. Quotes can help us feel seen and process our emotions.
6 Things to Consider When Talking to Your Loved Ones About Your Final Wishes
After you’ve prepared your final wishes document, you should also prepare to have a conversation with those you love. Here are some things to consider.